
Homeschool Planning?

Photo by Heather This post may contain affiliate links. This just means if you shop through any of the links I may earn a monetary compensation at no extra cost to you. You can read my full   disclosure and privacy  As you are preparing for the next homeschool year, remember, homeschooling isn’t always about a textbook. While you are filling your planner full of plans for school lessons and activities, don’t forget to intentionally schedule down times too.  There will be days you and your children will just need to get out and enjoy the sun.  So, instead of bad weather days, try to include “Sun” days, “Fun” days. These days can lead to lots of fun and exploring. It gives your kids a chance to learn about some things outside that just may not be in a textbook. Hopefully these moments will refresh your homeschool when it starts to feel dull. Homeschooling isn’t only about academic education. It is also about learning life skills, building relationships, growing as a family, and our perso

Right where I should be

This post may contain affiliate links. This just means if you shop through any of the links I may earn a monetary compensation at no extra cost to you. You can read my full   disclosure and privacy  I sat there folding laundry. It was way past bedtime. I could have folded it during the day. However, I found myself trying to catch up. I could have just left it and went on to bed, but the pile of clothes would have grown and become overwhelming. Was I really procrastinating?  No, not at all.  I spent the day right where I needed to be.  I could have taken care of laundry in the next room, but I chose to hang out in the living room and let the laundry wait. I hung out with my teenager who wasn’t  feeling well.  Yes, I said teenager. Yes, a teen is old enough to hang out and watch movies without her mom.  But I just wanted to be there in the moment. Be there just in case she needed something. Just being there without saying a word actually speaks “I love you.”  I could have worked on the l

Take Every Thought Captive

Photo by Heather   This post may contain affiliate links. This just means if you shop through any of the links I may earn a monetary compensation at no extra cost to you. You can read my full   disclosure and privacy  God has really been dealing with my heart lately about my thoughts.  It seems everywhere I look, everything I read, and everything I listen to reminds me to evaluate the thoughts I am having. I wish I could say I always have positive thoughts, however that isn’t the case.  Sometimes, ok maybe a lot of times, I get busy working, and I get in deep thought.  Well, sort of deep thought. What I mean by that is, I will have tons of thoughts running through my mind, although I am really not paying any attention to what I am thinking. Unfortunately, most of these thoughts are negative. Before I know it my mood has changed. Usually, I feel angry or down in the dumps after allowing my mind to go on like this. Sometimes I even become stressed, anxious, and fearful all because of wha

Silently Do Good Things

This post may contain affiliate links. This just means if you shop through any of the links I may earn a monetary compensation at no extra cost to you. You can read my full   disclosure and privacy  If no one could see or know the good deeds you do, would you do them? Are you only doing good to receive praise from people or to be noticed by them? Do you only do good deeds when there is something in it for you?  Or, do you do good things out of love for Jesus and to grow His kingdom? Depending on your answers to those questions you may need to evaluate your intentions. Unfortunately, there are so many things in our world that influence us to only look out for ourselves, and to only do good deeds if there is something in it for us.  Some of us may have been taught this is the way the world goes round.   However, this is not God's plan.   When we do good just to receive praise from people, we may have a temporary reward or pat on the back. However, to do good to be seen by others does

Are You A People Pleaser?

  This post may contain affiliate links. This just means if you shop through any of the links I may earn a monetary compensation at no extra cost to you. You can read my full   disclosure and privacy policy . Have you ever thought of being a "People Pleaser" as something holding you captive? What about the "Fear of Man?" Whether you call it “People Pleasing” or the “Fear of Man,” it is the same thing.  No matter what title you give it, it is a type of bondage. This type of bondage doesn't necessarily keep you bound by physical chains, but it does keep you tied up. Why do we have the tendency to care so much about what other people think? Just as Galatians 4:9 says, why do we keep taking this path of people pleasing, and allowing what others really think of us hold us in bondage? Is it all because we are afraid of being rejected by others? It is very exhausting to be a “People Pleaser.” I am so guilty of falling into this trap. I have often allowed what other peo

Feed Your Soul

Photo by Heather  This post may contain affiliate links. This just means if you shop through any of the links I may earn a monetary compensation at no extra cost to you. You can read my full   disclosure and privacy  Have you ever noticed how bad you can feel when you have eaten a lot of junk food? It can make you feel sluggish, cause headaches, stomach upset, and more. It just depends on what you eat and how your body reacts. I have noticed when I eat bad, or if I just don't eat enough nutrition I feel sick and have very little energy. Unfortunately, I often do not take the time to prepare healthy snacks or meals ahead of time. I get busy and hungry, so I end up just grabbing whatever I can eat immediately. I think, just a little is ok. I will do better next time. This behavior has caused me to make a lot of bad choices that are not good for my health and make me feel guilty later. Not to mention the slowly added pounds to my waistline. After I have made bad decisions about food a

It’s That Time of Year for Stuffy Noses

This post may contain affiliate links. This just means if you shop through any of the links I may earn a monetary compensation at no extra cost to you. You can read my full   disclosure and privacy  Bonfire photo by Heather  Oh! how fun it is to have cooler weather and enjoy some backyard bonfires and s’mores with family and friends. However, it is not very enjoyable when the stuffy noses hit home.  Especially now that Covid is a thing.  Around where we live, you don’t hear much about the common cold anymore.  If you hear someone sneeze, cough, or sniff, it may stop you dead in your tracks. If you are like me, you may have this thought run through your mind, “Is that a normal cough or is it covid?” If you are the one who sneezes, coughs, or sniffs you probably end up with many sets of eyes staring at you when it happens in public.  Enough of Covid. I really don’t want to talk about it. However, I would like to talk about those pesky little symptoms we get from the common cold and aller

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