Homeschool Planning?

Photo by Heather This post may contain affiliate links. This just means if you shop through any of the links I may earn a monetary compensation at no extra cost to you. You can read my full   disclosure and privacy  As you are preparing for the next homeschool year, remember, homeschooling isn’t always about a textbook. While you are filling your planner full of plans for school lessons and activities, don’t forget to intentionally schedule down times too.  There will be days you and your children will just need to get out and enjoy the sun.  So, instead of bad weather days, try to include “Sun” days, “Fun” days. These days can lead to lots of fun and exploring. It gives your kids a chance to learn about some things outside that just may not be in a textbook. Hopefully these moments will refresh your homeschool when it starts to feel dull. Homeschooling isn’t only about academic education. It is also about learning life skills, building relationships, growing as a family, and our perso

Feed Your Soul

Photo by Heather 

This post may contain affiliate links. This just means if you shop through any of the links I may earn a monetary compensation at no extra cost to you. You can read my full disclosure and privacy 

Have you ever noticed how bad you can feel when you have eaten a lot of junk food? It can make you feel sluggish, cause headaches, stomach upset, and more. It just depends on what you eat and how your body reacts.

I have noticed when I eat bad, or if I just don't eat enough nutrition I feel sick and have very little energy.

Unfortunately, I often do not take the time to prepare healthy snacks or meals ahead of time. I get busy and hungry, so I end up just grabbing whatever I can eat immediately. I think, just a little is ok. I will do better next time.

This behavior has caused me to make a lot of bad choices that are not good for my health and make me feel guilty later. Not to mention the slowly added pounds to my waistline.

After I have made bad decisions about food and start feeling the guilt,  I realize I need to get more nutritious foods into my body. 

Just like our bodies need good food filled with lots of vitamins and minerals, our soul needs good nutrition too. I like to call this type of nutrition soul food.

Although our soul needs us to feed it good nutrition, some of us allow it to be fed junk food. I know I am guilty of this from time to time.

What is junk food to our soul?

Movies, books, video games, social media, comparing ourselves to others, anything that may be a negative impact and cause us to have unhealthy thoughts can be junk food to our souls.

There is nothing wrong with reading books, watching movies, scrolling through social media, and other things as long as they are not filling our minds and souls with junk. I know there are good movies, books, etc that can actually be positive to our lives and can feed our souls good things and even inspire us, especially the Bible. So, we just need to make sure when we choose to watch a movie, read a book, or scroll through social media we make good choices that give more positive things to our lives.

Some of us already know that we need to feed our souls nutritious food. We just need some encouragement and motivation to do so.

But, what happens if we don't feed our souls nutrition?

Without this nutritious soul food, our soul will become weak. Our emotions may become a rollercoaster ride with ups and downs and twists and turns.

We may be blindsided at any moment with temptation and no way to see the route of escape.

We may have a stressful situation and react to it in a way we will regret later on.

But how do we get this soul food?

Can you just go buy it at a store? Do you find it online? 

Some ways you may find it are reading the Bible, by doing devotions, bible studies, prayer, showing hospitality, going to church, and more. 

Then, when you find it, how do you ingest it?

Let us take a look at the many ways we can ingest soul food.

One of the first ways to feed our soul is to pray to our heavenly Father. He loves us so much and wants a relationship with us. He wants to lead and guide us, and also to give us the nutrition we need. He knows what is best for us because he created us.

 Prayer doesn't have to be long. It is just fine if your prayers are simple. I do believe the more you pray and spend time with him, the more your prayers will line up to his will for you, and you will receive nutrients for your soul that comes straight from our Heavenly Father.

Another way to feed our souls is spending time in his word. 

You may think the same thing I do sometimes. I have know idea what to read today. Well, you can pray and ask God to lead you to what he wants you to read. 

Some other ideas to get you started are….

Read a Proverb a day for a month. 

Use a reading guide for the year. 

Follow along with a devotion book. 

Start at the beginning and read through to the end.

So many ways to spend time in God's word. 

One thing I believe is truly helpful while reading God's word is to have some type of notebook or journal to take notes or write down what you feel God is speaking to your heart as you read.

By spending time in God's word, your faith should grow as you feed your soul.

An uplifting way to feed your soul is to listen to upbeat praise music. To me, this is like candy for my soul. I just cannot stay down and depressed when I listen to good upbeat Christian music.

It is also good to have a church you can call home and worship with fellow believers. We all need a church family we can trust, fellowship with, and learn from.

When it come to feeding my soul, I like to think of the church or church family as my soul nutritionist.

They can lift us up in prayer when we need it.

They can give us encouragement.

And this one at times may hurt, but we all need it, your church family can hold you accountable.

Another way to feed your soul is simply serving others. 

When I serve others I forget my problems. I feel a sense of peace knowing I am making a difference in someone else’s life. 

You can serve others just by sending a message of encouragement, or make a meal to take to a family who is in a tough situation. There are so many ways to serve others and show the love of Christ.

When I share the love of Jesus I really feel my soul being fed.

These are only a few ways to feed your soul. I could go on and on about the many ways to feed your soul, however I think that would be a bit much for one post. 

The most important thing each day is that you make sure you take time to feed your soul. No one else can completely do it. 

This is part of taking care of yourself, so don’t let busyness be an excuse for why you haven’t taken the time to feed yourself. 


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