Homeschool Planning?

Photo by Heather This post may contain affiliate links. This just means if you shop through any of the links I may earn a monetary compensation at no extra cost to you. You can read my full   disclosure and privacy  As you are preparing for the next homeschool year, remember, homeschooling isn’t always about a textbook. While you are filling your planner full of plans for school lessons and activities, don’t forget to intentionally schedule down times too.  There will be days you and your children will just need to get out and enjoy the sun.  So, instead of bad weather days, try to include “Sun” days, “Fun” days. These days can lead to lots of fun and exploring. It gives your kids a chance to learn about some things outside that just may not be in a textbook. Hopefully these moments will refresh your homeschool when it starts to feel dull. Homeschooling isn’t only about academic education. It is also about learning life skills, building relationships, growing as a family, and our perso

Are You A People Pleaser?

 This post may contain affiliate links. This just means if you shop through any of the links I may earn a monetary compensation at no extra cost to you. You can read my full disclosure and privacy policy.

Have you ever thought of being a "People Pleaser" as something holding you captive?

What about the "Fear of Man?"

Whether you call it “People Pleasing” or the “Fear of Man,” it is the same thing.  No matter what title you give it, it is a type of bondage.

This type of bondage doesn't necessarily keep you bound by physical chains, but it does keep you tied up.

Why do we have the tendency to care so much about what other people think? Just as Galatians 4:9 says, why do we keep taking this path of people pleasing, and allowing what others really think of us hold us in bondage?

Is it all because we are afraid of being rejected by others?

It is very exhausting to be a “People Pleaser.”

I am so guilty of falling into this trap. I have often allowed what other people think I should do determine my choices, rather than, turning to God and asking him what I should do.

Galatians 5:1 tells us not to be entangled in a yoke of bondage again.  Jesus has set us free.  He has broken every chain that holds us captive. So, do we really have a reason to continue picking up these chains and allow ourselves to be bound again and again? Jesus gave his life so we may live in freedom and not bound up. He wants us to be filled with so much joy.  He wants each of us to have hope. He wants us to live in His peace He has given us.  However, we trade all of this to try to please people, and this keeps us captive just like a prisoner.  

When we read Colossians 3:23, we see everything we do should be done for the Lord and not for men. 

This verse right here should give us encouragement and relieve us of the burden of being a “People Pleaser.”

From the very beginning of time, God has given each of us work to do. Whether we work from home, away from home, volunteer, or are a stay-at-home mom or wife, we need to look at this as the work God has given us to do. We should view the work He has given us as a form of worship and service to Him. Having an attitude of worshiping God through our work helps us to focus on Him and what He has put before us. It helps us to have joy in our work and gives us the feeling of purpose.

The work He has given us wasn’t meant to drive us to the attitude of people pleasing. 

When we do our work with the attitude of pleasing people it leads to feelings of frustration and weariness. We may even begin to have resentment in our hearts.

There is no way we can please everyone. The one person we should try to please is the Lord.

Something to remember…it will not ruin your life if people reject you because you didn’t live out their standards they have for you. 

What truly matters is you live your life in a way that pleases Jesus.

So, live to please Jesus, and stop allowing yourself to be held captive by people pleasing.


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